COVID-19 SoE? Ep. 11 Italian Business after the Crisis (C. Katsaros, F. Franchina, G. Marino)
The School of Law of the University of Nicosia, responding to our common duty of social solidarity and the overwhelming necessity for timely and reliable information of the general public, decided to launch a series of podcasts, titled COVID-19: SoE?, discussing the various social, political, legal, and economic aspects of the current crisis.
In Ep. 11 of the series, the Dean of the School of Law, Professor Achilles C. Emilianides, discussess with Dr Giuseppe Marino, President of the Italian-Cypriot Chamber of Commerce, and the two Vice-Presidents, Costas Katsaros, Advocate and founding partner in A. & E. C. Emilianides, C. Katsaros & Associates Ltd, and Dr Federico Franchina (University of Messina) about the current situtation in Italy and the future of italian and cypriot business after the crisis.
Watch the episode on youtube: ep.11 (Giuseppe Marino, Costas Katsaros, Federico Franchina with Achilles C. Emilianides)
Or listen on spotify:
Video podcasts will be uploaded to our YouTube Channel, while audio podcasts will be available through the first portal of integrated legal information in Cyprus,
You can watch all the episodes on our Ī„ouTube Channel.