TCR Special Issue 2020: COVID-19 in Doctrinal Context – Analysing, Theorising, and Surpassing the Pandemic Crisis
The Cyprus Review has issued a Call for Papers for its 2020 Special Issue on COVID-19 in Doctrinal Context: Analysing, Theorising, and Surpassing the Pandemic Crisis, and invites submissions on a wide range of related topics pertinent to Cyprus.
Dr Christina Ioannou is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal and Dr Achilles Emilianides is the Consulting Editor.
Following below is a highly indicative list of topics:
- COVID-19 and the world order
- Law and society in the context of the pandemic
- Social distancing and the social science
- Human rights in the COVID-19 era
- Legal, social, and political notions of the State of Exception
- Biopolitics, necropolitics and State regulation during the crisis
- International organisation and international crisis management
- Humanity, solidarity, and sociability in the times of COVID-19
- EU policies and the pandemic
- Economic, commercial, and financial aspects of the crisis
- Poverty, social exclusion, and the Welfare State during the pandemic
- COVID-19 and the environment
- Spatial and temporal aspects of the pandemic crisis
- Legal and political dimension of the preventive policies implemented
- Threats, challenges, and opportunities for scientific debate in the times of the pandemic
The full text of the Call is available here.
Read more about the Journal:
The Cyprus Review is an international bi-annual refereed Cyprological journal. For nearly 30 years, it has been at the forefront of scholarship on Cypriot political, social and economic issues, encouraging research and reflection on a range of disciplines in the general spectre of social sciences pertinent to Cyprus. Founded in 1989, The Cyprus Review aims to serve as the forum where original research is presented and to shape discussion of the most important and topical issues through a rigorous scholarship selection and editing process.