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Το Εφετείο έκρινε αντισυνταγματικές τις πρόνοιες για την προστασία εγκλωβισμένων αγοραστών.​The Court of Appeal held the provisions for the protection of trapped buyers as unconstitutional

Jul 19, 2024

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Corporate Group Advisory Legal
Συγχαρητήρια στους ασκούμενους μας / Congratulations to our trainees

Apr 16, 2024

EK Press
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Corporate Group Advisory Legal
​Participation of EKLLC to UCY Career Expo

Apr 15, 2024

EK Events
Participation of EK LLC to UCY Career Expo
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Σχέδιο «Ενοίκιο Έναντι Δόσης»

Jul 18, 2023

Market News EK Press
Σχέδιο «Ενοίκιο Έναντι Δόσης»
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Newsletter No. 10 / 03 November 2020

Nov 03, 2020

Εφαρμοστική Οδηγία 04/2020: Εφαρμογή των διατάξεων περί φορολογικής κατοικίας και μόνιμης εγκατάστασης σύμφωνα με τον περί Φορολογίας του Εισοδήματος Νόμου (άρθρο 2) στο πλαίσιο της κρίσης που προκλήθηκε λόγω της πανδημίας του Covid-19
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Newsletter No. 6 / 3 July 2020

Jul 03, 2020

Επεξήγηση Σχεδίου Επιδότησης Πολύ Μικρών και Μικρών Επιχειρήσεων και Αυτοτελώς Εργαζομένων
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Newsletter No. 5 / 25 June 2020

Jun 26, 2020

Πρόσφατες Τροποποιήσεις στον περί Φορολογίας του Εισοδήματος Νόμου του 2002 (Ν.118(Ι)/2002)
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Νewsletter No.3 / 5 June 2020

Jun 05, 2020

EK Press Newsletter
Πρόσφατες Τροποποιήσεις στον περί Μεταβιβάσεως και Υποθηκεύσεως Ακινήτων του 1965 (9|1965)
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Brexit : What happens next

Dec 11, 2019

Market News
The general election on the 12 th of December has now received the Royal Assent which means it is law. Prime minister Boris Johnson has said that the UK will be leaving the Eu on the 31st of October and that he had agreed a deal with the EU.
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Cyprus Banks can now auction foreclosed properties online

Dec 08, 2019

Market News
Cyprus banks will be able to sell-off foreclosed properties online as the Minister of Finance Harris Georgiades issued a decree allowing electronic auctions.
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The Council of Ministers extends deadline for ESTIA ( decision no. 87/759)

Dec 03, 2019

Market News
Following its own decision with no. 87/759, dated 26/6/2019, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus took on 6/11/2019 the decision of extending the deadline for the submission of the applications for the ESTIA scheme. The new deadline is ...
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Moody’s changed Cyprus’ outlook to positive

Oct 16, 2019

Market News
Rating agency Moody’s changed the outlook for the Cypriot economy to positive from stable, citing the reduction of the sovereign exposure to event risks stemming from the banking sector and the improving fiscal strength beating previous expectations.